Sunday, October 19, 2008


Oh, despite the fact that life isn't too different, I feel like so much has happened since the 5th. I start, for real, my job on Tuesday. I will actually get to help people realize the joy of Apple (and get paid for it). I'm pretty excited about this. I was in the store the other day (because my dog is a ruiner of love, or the iphone...maybe one in the same..?) and a friend who leads in my area was in debating about the new macbook. (which is extremely hot in pictures, pure love in person) I walked away to go back to Kari (my sister who was in town..friend-sister..who knows?) and then later saw her leaving with it. I wanted to start clapping. I knew she would love how easy it makes everything. And who can look past how amazingly cool she'll look with it when she's sitting in the library writing papers.

I also can start booking sub jobs this week. That might be where I'm most excited. I love Apple and all, but high school me crazy but I love 'em. There's just something about it. Maybe I never outgrew it, but I'm pretty sure it's just because they're real. (You're thinking, why Mandy, of course they're real. They don't fill high schools with mannequins. Don't worry I know this.) They aren't afraid to tell you the truth; even if that means sharing crappy stuff about their life. And to think, I could get paid to hang out with them and make them like school. Call me even more crazy, but that's pretty exciting too.

Also, we all know the feeling when someone you love, loves something you love. I have always known about Matty's love for cincinnati. (Although it was nice to be reminded on his post about the joy it brings him). I love how excited he gets to visit and how much he makes me appreciate all of the greatness of my city. I guess for some reason, I just didn't think Kari would have quite the same reaction. Little did I know. Kari and I had a ridiculous good time while she was here. I showed her my favorite restaurants, we cruised downtown, I showed her my life. It was all and all a perfect visit. (okay minus Tay.)

All that to say, I'm encouraged. In life, in ministry, in friendships. (And in the fact that thanks to sara and I, fleafest '08 has come to an end.) The Lord is good. He holds us up and places our brothers and sisters around us. He provides for every need. So I am encouraged, and excited. Excited to start work both at Apple and Finneytown. I'm excited for fall weekend. I'm excited for the Thanksgiving invasion from Virginia. I'm excited about the Nouwen that Kolia is having me read. Be encouraged, and get excited. (even if today's loss to the steelers was a particularly painful one.)

1 comment:

Kari Burgess said...

umm hello sisterfriend... today you start Apple. wahoo!
i had a great time- wish we had taken more photos of our giggles... ;o)
i love cincinnati because i love you. and that my friend, is the greatest kind of love for your city a girl can have!