Monday, June 22, 2009

Home across the pond

I still have a week left, and this whirlwind vacation has been exhausting. Don't get me wrong, I love it. I very well would move here if given a job, but nonetheless I am exhausted and ready for sleep. And amidst the chaos and crowds, I find myself, tonight, at home. Funny that a tiny store that I generally only visit in four hour increments, unless late into the morning, would seem like home, even across the ocean. But I find myself, in the stress and joy of family tonight, in an Apple store. Because it's the one thing here that is a piece of home. I can come here and I know what I need to know. Heck, I find myself checking their cable management and staffing. (It's okay to laugh at this. I know it is slightly creepy). But, with a sigh, I must go back to my night out on the London streets. Dont' feel bad for me, if anything you should be jealous because this place is by far one of my favorites. (fun fact: the computer wants to correct my spelling to be british. I am remaining firmly american) Enjoy your nights, or days for you kids across the pond, and perhaps I shall see you in the coming weeks ahead.

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