Thursday, July 16, 2009

Last one (Lost Entries v.3)

Sevenish hours into an eight hours plan ride that will shortly be followed by a six hour car drive. My legs are actually missing the walking. Who thought that would happen? But as the journey of fun, wonder, and confusion comes to an end, I'll end it at my hearts' home.

I've never been more content not living in Virginia anymore, but it will always be a place that my heart finds true rest. And after all this confusion and frustration, rest will be welcomed. Not rest in the typical sense. I woke up at 630am London time this morning, and probably won't get to sleep until around midnight Virginia time. Twenty-three straight hours will be rough; it'll probably hit me in the last hour of West Virginia.

But at the end of the road is camp. And around thirty Finneytown kids who are going to be hearing the first half of the gospel in about five hours. It's a tough night, BUT the glory of the gospel lies in wait. Tomorrow is the day. It's the day the lazy leader has relied on and it's His chance to be made known. Kids can hear it any day, but there is something sacred about cross talk night at Young Life camp.

It may come from how many people I love that met Christ on that night. He used that night to call everyone else on my team. There are always an awe-inspiring amount of hands up when the question is asked at Leader Weekends. There are exceptions, but most people do ministry with Young Life because it was the ministry he used to reconcile with them. I am constantly in awe of the way he uses this ministry and the way that he allows us to be a part of it. We get the chance to be part of eternity. The kids that we spend time with and lead, they're hearing the gospel. The same gospel that healed the lame, called out the dead, turned Saul into Paul, and gave me grace.

Today is the day they will hear about their fallenness. But tomorrow. Well tomorrow is the day they will hear about what lengths he went to to rescue them. Tomorrow is the day they'll see grace. End of story. And what a sweet story it is.

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